Carbon account

Count our carbon content

It's a transition to carbon neutrality, we will have reduced our footprint by 6% each year just by counting!

The COUNT book
The proposed mechanism consists of guaranteeing the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon) by allocating to each French person (or even Europeans and more) an individual egalitarian exchangeable and shrinking quota (minus 6% per year to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050), generating a low-carbon circular economy.
Carbon Account Alliance


Such an ambitious mechanism is only possible on the scale of national accounts, it must be validated by a country such as France or Belgium, Spain or Italy, then coordinate it between the Member States of the European Union. A carbon agency must be created in each country.


This is the only way to guarantee that France respects the scientists towards carbon neutrality in 2050, the recent climate meetings (nine video sessions from February to April 2021) concluded that the 4 criteria of effectiveness are achieved only by the mechanism of individual carbon quotas which characterizes the carbon account, see the conclusions HERE.

To develop the movement and implement a prototype, a tax-free donation campaign is proposed:

How to finance

For animation, the concept is simplified in a new complementary website: as it's clear
Propulsé par HelloAsso
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